Who Benefits from Addressing the Water Shortage Problem and Solution?
The water shortage problem and solution is being addressed by many nonprofits, non-governmental organizations, governments and research groups. The entire world benefits from anyone contributing to finding solutions to the advancing global water crisis.
When Singapore’s mayor saw the condition of the Singapore River in the 1960s, he knew something needed to be done. The dirty river looked awful. Full of refuse and contamination from industry, squatter colonies and dumping, the river’s condition affected everyone around it. The mayor spent $300 million to fix the problem.1
Cecilia Tortajada reports,
“The river cleaning programme had numerous direct and indirect benefits, since it unleashed many development-related activities, which transformed the face of Singapore and enhanced its image as a model city in terms of urban planning and development. Most important, however, was that the population achieved better quality of life.”2
Programs like these model how large populations can benefit from concentrated efforts to address water problems. Cities, industries, businesses and the environment all stand to improve and advance from water solutions. So, too, do individuals in the most rural and vulnerable places.
GFA World seeks to put immediate solutions into the hands of families and communities for transformation of a different scale, though no less important. A village may rely on open water sources that are heavily contaminated. This affects all the people in the village, especially the children, as well as the livestock.
Using local contractors and simple technology, GFA World brings Jesus Wells to villages as a means to provide access to clean, safe water. The entire village benefits. Clean water prevents waterborne illnesses, contributes to healthier children and helps communities flourish. More than 30,000 Jesus Wells have been installed. These wells help transform communities facing significant water shortages.
Sponsoring a Jesus Well benefits the contractors GFA World hires to dig the well, the village where it is dug, the livestock watered from the well and the child who needs clean water to be well enough to go to school and hopefully break the cycle of poverty that often plagues these areas. Giving toward a Jesus Well is an investment in people, places and the future. One gift can benefit hundreds of people.
Learn more about the global water crisis1 Tortajada, Cecilia. “Clean-up Of The Singapore River: Before And After.” Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy April 5, 2012. https://lkyspp.nus.edu.sg/gia/article/clean-up-of-the-singapore-river-before-and-after.
2 Tortajada, Cecilia. “Clean-up Of The Singapore River: Before And After.” Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy April 5, 2012. https://lkyspp.nus.edu.sg/gia/article/clean-up-of-the-singapore-river-before-and-after.