Ensuring Access to Safe Drinking Water: A Global Challenge
Millions of people face a daily struggle to access safe drinking water, often walking miles to fetch a few pots of water, impacting their lives in numerous ways. This arduous task, typically undertaken by women and children, results in missed opportunities for education and work. Additionally, water sources during the dry season dry up, making clean water even scarcer and leading to waterborne illnesses from stagnant ponds. GFA’s solution lies in drilling Jesus Wells, offering nearby villages a reliable source of clean water, sparing them the hours spent fetching water and transforming their lives for the better.
Compliments of Gospel for Asia (GFA World).
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Ensuring Access to Safe Drinking Water: A Global Challenge
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Millions of people do not have access to safe drinking water. They will often spend hours every day walking for miles just to get a few pots of water. It’s usually the women and children who get the water each morning and evening, and it’s very hard work to carry heavy pots back to their villages. Because of the time it takes to get water, children often miss school and adults miss work.
During the dry season, water sources often dry up, and the distance to get it increases, severely limiting their access to clean water. Plus, many of the water sources are dirty, stagnant ponds that are full of waterborne illnesses. Every drop of water is precious because of the hard work required to get it, so it’s often only used for cooking and drinking. As a result, washing clothes and bathing are often just not done for months on end.
In most villages, there is a source of water just a few hundred feet below the ground. By drilling Jesus Wells, GFA is providing nearby sources of clean water. Instead of spending hours just to get a bucket of water, villagers can pump as many buckets of water as they need in a few minutes. School and work are no longer missed. Jesus Wells are drilled deep down below the dry season water table, so there is a reliable source of water all year long. Plus the water coming out is clean and healthy, so people are no longer getting sick from drinking pond water. Please help provide clean water today.