Where Do Modern Day Christian Missionaries Serve?
GFA World’s modern day Christian missionaries live and serve in over 20 countries across Africa and Asia. Our focus is to serve among those who have never heard the Good News of God’s love—especially those in the 10/40 Window.[1] Our national missionaries have ministries in several countries across South Asia, including Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. In addition, GFA World has been able to support missionaries in Africa, beginning in Rwanda.[2]
In each of these countries, many people live below the poverty line, struggling to provide for themselves and their families. For example, 38 percent of the 13 million people living in Rwanda live in poverty.[3] We have established our Child Sponsorship Program among the poor in Kigali, Rwanda’s capital city. This is the first of many projects with the same vision, which is to meet the tangible needs of people and bring Christ’s love to those in poverty. From Rwanda, we plan to spread into six neighboring African countries in the next few years, establishing medical missions, clean water projects and a Bible college to train indigenous missionaries who want to serve their own people with God’s love.[4]
One GFA missionary, Pastor Pekelo,[5] exemplifies the love and care our national workers have for people. Pastor Pekelo hiked three miles to a remote village in Asia and found himself in the middle of destitution. Looking around at the villagers, he had an idea of how best to help them: offer the nearly 50 families a free medical checkup. It wouldn’t be easy to coordinate and plan the medical camp, especially with the village’s difficult access, but Pastor Pekelo saw the desperate need around him—the odor of sickness, the mosquito-borne illnesses—and his determination grew.
Working with the church’s Youth Fellowship pastor, Pastor Pekelo coordinated with church leaders and other believers. They secured boxes of medicine and mosquito nets to pass out, and they enlisted three doctors, including a surgeon. Word spread about the free medical camp, and even people from the next town over journeyed to the village to stand in line to get checkups.
The doctors spent the day seeing about 300 patients and prescribing medication, and Pastor Pekelo and his team distributed 150 mosquito nets to protect against future disease. Through Pastor Pekelo’s vision and heart for the people, the villagers got checkups for the first time, but more than that, they received the love and care of Jesus.
While the life of a Christian missionary can be challenging, they act as the hands and feet of Christ, bringing love to the poor by meeting their needs. You can help our national missionaries by sponsoring one for just $30 a month.[6]
Learn more about the life of a Christian missionary who serve at GFA World[1] “About Us: Who We Are.” GFA World. Accessed November 25, 2024. https://www.gfa.org/about.
[2] “Where We Work.” GFA World. Accessed November 25, 2024. https://www.gfa.org/regions.
[3] “Rwanda.” GFA World. Accessed November 25, 2024. https://www.gfa.org/regions/country/rwanda.
[4] “GFA World Expands Ministry to Africa.” GFA World. Accessed November 25, 2024. https://www.gfa.org/africa.
[5] “GFA World Provides Medicine and Love to a Remote Village.” GFA World. March 29, 2021. https://gospelforasia-reports.org/2021/03/gfa-world-hiking-long-road-bring-love-medicine.
[6] “National Missionaries: Sponsor a National Missionary.” GFA World. Accessed November 25, 2024. https://www.gfa.org/sponsor.