Poverty Reduction Strategy

GFA World’s Poverty Reduction Strategy: The Impact of Providing Clean and Living Water

In some of the world’s most poverty-stricken areas, a well can mean the difference between life and death. One component of GFA World’s poverty reduction strategy is founded on a simple yet powerful idea: providing clean and reliable water through Jesus Wells.[1] In Asia, where millions cannot access safe drinking water, these wells give entire villages more than just water; they provide health and a vision of a pathway out of poverty.

Many people in regions of Africa and Asia have no choice but to drink from polluted water sources. Children suffer terribly, and countless young people are lost each day to waterborne diseases.[2] A Jesus Well from GFA World offers immediate, lifesaving relief for these families.

Jesus Wells are drilled as deep as 600 feet, tapping into a pure, protected water source. They’re built to withstand even the harshest droughts, and families can draw clean water daily. Each well can provide fresh, clean water to about 300 people per day. It changes life for everyone using it. When families have access to clean water, mothers who once walked for hours to collect it can spend time caring for their children or tending to needs at home. Children free from illness can go to school regularly, and people’s overall health improves. Our strategy to reduce poverty through Jesus Wells brings relief and hope to communities in ways that ripple outward.[3]

A Jesus Well is a game-changer for education and poverty reduction. Since much of the water-gathering responsibilities fall to children, a well changes a child’s future. When they are no longer walking for hours to collect water, children can attend school. They also no longer face the constant threat of disease. Healthier children have better focus, and healthier parents mean that families are more financially stable. School fees and supplies that before were out of reach can now be afforded. For many children, a Jesus Well opens the door for education.

The role of education in poverty reduction cannot be overstated. With a chance to attend school, children gain skills, confidence and dream of new possibilities. They learn about the world beyond their village and have the potential of brighter futures. Education empowers young people to break free from poverty and invest in their families and communities. Each well, then, is not just about water; it’s about creating opportunities.

GFA world’s Jesus Wells show the love of Christ to communities that may never have experienced it before. Often, the well is placed near a local church. The church becomes a gathering place where people come for water, community, support and prayer. Local pastors are available to pray with families, help them and introduce them to the hope found in Christ.

This kind of care and compassion is often unexpected for people who have long been overlooked by society. Many come to the wells feeling desperate but leave knowing someone cares about them. Jesus Wells create new relationships and opportunities for people to encounter Christ. As more and more people visit these wells, they begin to see the church as a place where they can go in times of need. For many, it may be the first time they experience a love that is unconditional, patient and kind. People in the poorest regions of the countries we serve are finding physical and spiritual relief through Jesus Wells.

The need is enormous. One child dies every 90 seconds due to a waterborne illness.[4] This is a tragic statistic, but it doesn’t have to stay this way. You can help save lives. GFA World’s clean water initiatives and other poverty reduction projects have a profound impact, but they rely on the compassion of people who want to make a difference.

Each Jesus Well costs $1,400, which provides an entire village with safe drinking water for up to 20 years. GFA World’s wells are built using local labor and materials, making each highly affordable to install. A Jesus Well provides clean water for a cost-effective price without sacrificing quality. If you’re unable to cover the entire cost of a well, every dollar given still brings hope to families in need.

The benefits of a Jesus Well last long beyond the day it’s drilled. For years to come, children will be healthier, mothers will have time for other responsibilities, and villages will be freed from the cycle of illness and poverty that contaminated water brings. These families don’t just get clean water; they experience the love of Christ in a way that impacts their daily lives.

The impact of a Jesus Well is more than numbers. It’s a story of lives transformed, hope restored and communities uplifted. GFA World’s strategy to reduce poverty is simple, powerful and life-changing, and you can help make it happen. When people draw water from a Jesus Well, they experience a tangible expression of Christ’s love. They gain health, dignity and the knowledge that someone cares about them and their future.

Will you consider giving towards a Jesus Well? For $1,400, you could transform an entire village, but any amount you give will go directly to the cause of clean water, health and hope. Imagine your gift’s impact: a child free to go to school, a mother with time to invest in her family and a village that knows someone cares about them.

Will you help us bring clean water and the love of Christ to those who need it most? Join us in this life-changing mission by donating toward a Jesus Well today!

What was the good news that Jesus preached? Learn more!

[1] “Jesus Wells.” GFA World. Accessed November 05, 2024. https://www.gfa.org/jesus-wells.
[2] Ibid.
[3] Ibid.
[4] Ibid.Footnotes Section