Solutions to the Poverty Cycle
There are a variety of solutions to the poverty cycle. The cycle begins when children are born into poor families and is passed onto their children when they don’t have opportunities to overcome poverty.
Different levels of poverty exist, from malnutrition due to the inability to afford food to lack of education. Illnesses caused from contaminated water and poor sanitation and inadequate healthcare fuel the cycle of poverty. It’s difficult to earn income or concentrate in school when you’re constantly battling illness.
GFA World addresses solutions to the poverty cycle, including solutions to extreme poverty.
About 53% of children in low- and middle-income countries cannot read by the age of 10.[1] This fact alone keeps them in the cycle of poverty.
“Illiterate people lack the power and knowledge to compete in the marketplace, and they are unable to develop economically,” according to WorldAtlas.[2]
Teaching children and adults to read, write and do basic math can change lives. Strong literacy skills can translate to up to a 33% higher salary than that for adults with poor literacy skills. In addition, adults with solid literacy skills are twice as likely to get a secure job.[3]
GFA offers solutions to poverty by teaching literacy skills through two main programs: Child Sponsorship and Women’s Literacy Program.
GFA’s Child sponsorship and gives children solutions to the poverty cycle through nutritious food, education and free medical care. It helps provide the hope and direction children need.
More than 850 million adults worldwide are illiterate, and two-thirds of them are women. Half of the people who are illiterate globally live in South Asia.[4] Cultural norms have prevented many people, especially women, from obtaining an education. Oftentimes, females are married off at relatively young ages, so parents don’t see value in educating girls.
GFA’s Women’s Literacy Program empowers women. They learn how to avoid bad contracts that would keep them in debt (and often keep their children working in urban centers in an attempt to pay off the debt); how to support their children’s education; how to count money when buying food; and how to read the Bible so they can experience God’s unfaltering love.
Learn more about Poverty Solutions[1] “Ending Learning Poverty: A Target to Galvanize Action on Literacy.” The World Bank. https://www.worldbank.org/en/news/immersive-story/2019/11/06/a-learning-target-for-a-learning-revolution. November 8, 2019.
[2] Kiprop, V. “Low literacy rates in South Asia: Causes and consequences.” World Atlas. https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/low-literacy-rates-in-south-asia-causes-and-consequences.html. December 10, 2019.
[3] Ibid.
[4] Kiprop, V. “Low literacy rates in South Asia: Causes and consequences.” World Atlas. https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/low-literacy-rates-in-south-asia-causes-and-consequences.html. December 10, 2019.