Sponsor a Child in Africa

How Can I Sponsor a Child in Africa?

Are you sensing God’s heart for the children of Africa? Are you asking yourself, “How can I sponsor a child in Africa?” GFA World is expanding its child sponsorship to Africa, and you can help us reach more children today.

Sponsoring a child who lives in Africa through GFA helps assure that the child will go to school. GFA provides tuition assistance when needed and other necessary supplies that their family might not be able to afford. They also often receive necessities according to the needs of the community like nutritious food, tutoring assistance medical care and access to clean water.

These things may seem small in our minds, but they make the essential difference in a child’s life that can change their future. As UNICEF reports, “An effective primary education can build a solid foundation and open avenues for future success. With its profound implications on both the individual and society, primary education plays a crucial role in reducing extreme poverty and promoting social changes.”[1]

Your sponsorship may begin with one child, but that one child can help lift an entire village, a village can lift a city and cities can lift countries. The multiplication that can happen from providing opportunity for one individual is truly a work of God through the hands of those who care. It may just be $35 each month for you, but for them, it’s the promise of a future not defined by lack but by reaching for more.

If you choose a child you would like to sponsor, or if you have one chosen for you, a picture with their name and information will be sent to you. You and your family can pray regularly for this child as you support their growth and security. You can even use a secure portal to communicate with your child and encourage them to work hard at school and stay focused.

GFA staff are from the country where they minister, so they understand the culture and can easily communicate with those they serve. You can be assured that the child you sponsor will receive the love and care they need from these humble and gentle workers.

Sponsor a child today in Africa and change their life. Their education is of upmost importance and is the cornerstone of our Child Sponsorship Program. You are the bridge that brings the two together.

Learn more about how to sponsor a child in Africa!

[1] “Primary Education.” UNICEF. Updated June 2023. https://data.unicef.org/topic/education/primary-education/.