How Much to Drill a Well in Asia?
Water wells are a practical help for people experiencing poverty, but organizations like GFA World cannot drill wells without financial support. Potential donors might ask, “How much to drill a well?”
On average, a GFA World Jesus Well costs about $1,400; this price accounts for the time and experience of a local contractor, the materials and the equipment.
- Labor — GFA World employs local contractors to drill Jesus Wells. The price of installing a well covers the cost to pay local laborers with their expertise and equipment.
- Materials — Workers install Jesus Wells with a heavy-duty handpump. The most common is the India Mark II model. It is durable and designed to operate 20 million cycles without repair.1 Jesus Wells last approximately 20 years with 8 hours of use every day.
- Maintenance — Local pastors and churches are taught to maintain Jesus Wells. Church workers regularly monitor wells and perform routine repairs, like replacing the rubber seals, lubricating the hand pump and protecting the ground around the well.
There are contaminants in 68-84% of all water sources in Asia; over 134 million people do not have clean, accessible water.2 Every day, contaminated water exposes millions of men, women and children to infection, illness and even death. Unsafe drinking water negatively affects people across Asia. A Jesus Well can have a lasting impact on an entire community.
Sixty-year-old Saverio experienced the consequences of unclean drinking water firsthand.3 Like many people in Asia, Saverio did not have clean water piped directly into his house; instead, he walked to a river to collect water every day. However, overuse, environmental pollutants and human waste contaminated the river. Villagers used the river for cleaning, cooking, bathing and more.
Years of drinking the contaminated river water had exposed Saverio to bacteria and viruses, and he was sick regularly.
One day Saverio met two GFA missionaries named Jamir and Vazir. Jamir and Vazir shared about Jesus. Saverio told the missionaries about the village’s desperate need for clean or filtered water. Jamir and Vazir prayed for Saverio, his community and the river. The GFA missionaries also requested and received approval to have a Jesus Well drilled in the community.
The new Jesus Well brought positive change for Saverio’s community. Saverio and his neighbors no longer have to walk long distances to the river to gather water; instead, the Jesus Well provides clean, accessible water.
Your gift for clean water can promote health and hope for people like Saverio in rural communities across Asia or Africa. Please prayerfully consider giving a gift toward a Jesus Well today!
Learn more about well drilling1 “Clean Water: Jesus Wells.” GFA World. Accessed 27 February 2022. https://www.gfa.org/water/jesus-wells/.
2 “Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH).” World Health Organization. Accessed 27 February 2022. https://www.who.int/health-topics/water-sanitation-and-hygiene-wash.
3 “Man’s Health Restored after Drinking Water from Jesus Well.” GFA World. 23 July 2020. https://gospelforasia-reports.org/2020/07/mans-health-restored-drinking-water-jesus-well/.