Where Are Christian Missionaries Needed Most?
The answer to “where are Christian missionaries needed most?” is clear: in the 10/40 Window. This region stretches from West Africa to East Asia and encompasses most of the world’s people groups not yet reached with the Gospel―billions of people with little or no opportunity to hear the Good News. For these people, Christian missionaries are the bridge to experiencing the love of Christ.[1]
National missionaries have a unique advantage over foreign missionaries as they understand their communities’ culture, language and customs. With few or no cultural barriers to overcome, they can readily share the love of Christ with their people—so many of whom have never heard the Good News. Although they face numerous challenges in spreading the Good News—they are almost always in a much better position to connect with people than missionaries from outside the region.
Each year, GFA World trains and sends national missionaries to the regions of Asia and more recently, Africa. These missionaries are equipped to share the Good News with people in remote villages and trained to establish churches where the name of Christ has never been spoken. Yet, even with the growing number of missionaries, many more are needed to reach the vast population in these regions. Tens of millions still have never had the opportunity to hear the Good News.[2]
GFA World has established 67 major Bible colleges in Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka to support this effort. Nearly 9,000 young men and women are currently being trained to minister to these unreached communities. Over 98 percent of GFA World’s graduates serve in areas where the love of Christ has never been shared, and this incredible work is continually spreading as these young missionaries reach new villages and communities.[3]
Today’s reality is sobering: tens of thousands of people die every day in these countries without knowing Christ. But despite the enormous need, less than 0.05 percent of global Christian resources are directed toward reaching these people yet to be reached.[4]
However, through national missionaries, this task is not impossible. With your partnership national missionaries are empowered to reach these communities. For just $30 a month, you can sponsor a national missionary, helping provide the resources necessary for them to reach their communities with the Good News.
As a sponsor, your role will be to financially support a missionary through our national missionary program and engage in spiritual work through prayer. GFA World will send you your missionary’s picture and testimony so you can continue praying for them and their ministry.
By partnering with GFA World, you are helping to bring Jesus’ love to one of the most spiritually dark places on earth. Every prayer, donation and action counts in winning Asia for Christ. Let’s make a lasting impact on the millions still waiting to hear the Good News.
What do Christian missionaries do? Learn more about GFA World![1] “About National Missionaries.” GFA World. Accessed January 22, 2025. https://www.gfa.org/sponsor/why-national-missionaries/.
[2] The Traveling Team. “Missions Statistics — The Traveling Team.” Accessed January 25, 2025. https://www.thetravelingteam.org/stats.
[3] Ibid.
[4] Joannes, David. “Shocking Stats on Missions Giving.” David Joannes, January 20, 2019. https://davidjoannes.com/shocking-stats-on-missions-giving/.