What Are Christian Missionary Activities?
Christian missionary activities involve spreading the message of Jesus Christ, also known as the Good News, to people who have not heard it or may be struggling to understand its significance. These activities often include sharing about God’s love, providing humanitarian aid and establishing churches or educational institutions. The goal is to make disciples and offer spiritual guidance and practical support to those in need.
Rivka’s story is a powerful example of how missionary work can bring about lasting transformation.[1] Rivka lived on a tea estate with her husband, Benaiah, and their young daughter. Life was a daily struggle. Both Rivka and Benaiah worked tirelessly for little pay, and Benaiah’s alcohol addiction exacerbated their financial situation. The tension in their home often escalated because of Benaiah’s drinking, and the family had no savings to fall back on.
One day, a GFA pastor named Elan visited Rivka’s village. He handed her a pamphlet about the Good News. Rivka was curious. She read the pamphlet carefully but still had many questions. However, no church was nearby, and the journey to one was too difficult to manage. She wanted to learn more about Jesus but didn’t know how to move forward.
The next week, Pastor Elan returned to the village and visited Rivka’s home. During his visit, he prayed for Benaiah, who was suffering from a fever and cough. He also spoke to the couple about the love and healing power of Jesus. Miraculously, Benaiah’s health improved within days of prayer. The Good News can heal! Rivka was encouraged. Pastor Elan shared the Word of God and met the couple’s needs practically.
Pastor Elan didn’t stop there. He continued to guide Rivka and her family, leading them in prayer and offering regular support. Soon, Rivka and Benaiah began attending church services, and their faith in Jesus deepened. The pastor also started holding weekly prayer meetings in their home, where four neighbors joined them to learn more about Jesus.
As their faith grew, Benaiah, who had struggled with alcohol addiction for years, was transformed. He stopped drinking and began living peacefully with those around him. Rivka, too, experienced a deep sense of peace and joy that she had never known before. “Even though we are poor and live in a small house with fewer things, I am happy for the peace and joy the Lord Jesus gave me,” she says.
Rivka’s story demonstrates the profound impact that Christian missionary activities can have. By sharing the Good News and offering practical support, lives can be transformed, bringing spiritual and personal healing.
Learn more about how to support Christian missionaries through GFA World[1] “Curious Woman Persistently Pursues Christ.” GFA World. November 2024. https://www.gfa.org/news/articles/curious-woman-persistently-pursues-christ.