Ambassador for Christ

What Does It Mean to Be an Ambassador for Christ?

What does it mean to be an ambassador for Christ? An ambassador for Christ joyfully represents God’s interests to the world. There are several things to understand about being Christ’s ambassador:

First, Christ’s ambassadors belong to God’s Kingdom.

We live on earth, but we belong to God’s heavenly domain. Therefore, it does not matter where we reside on earth because we represent Christ everywhere we go. A believer in Jesus is, by nature, His ambassador.

Second, Christ’s ambassadors have a meaningful, significant and valuable responsibility to share Christ with the world.

God has entrusted us with the Good News, so we should not take this responsibility lightly. Rather, we should commit ourselves to serving Him and serving others in His name. We are Christ’s ambassadors wherever we live.

GFA World has sent out ambassadors for Christ in Africa and Asia for many years. We accomplish this mission by training national missionaries and pastors to plant churches in areas where there aren’t any. They are also the hands and feet of Christ as they help meet people’s physical and spiritual needs. It is our honor to represent Christ in this way!

Our GFA pastors and missionaries are from the countries in which they minister. This has numerous benefits. For example, they already know the language, they are familiar with the customs, they know the cultural interests and taboos, they understand how people learn, and they can move freely in areas that are restricted to outsiders. They wear the same clothes, eat the same food, and often have history in the area. They have a passion to serve their own people group.[1] As a result, thousands of new fellowships have started, and people have the opportunity to hear about God’s love and see it in action. It is our joy to train, send out and support these gifted pastors and missionaries as they share the Good News and provide people with practical help like clean water wells, income-generating items, nutritious food, medical care and more.

These men and women are Christ’s ambassadors in Africa and Asia. They are hand-picked and trained to share God’s love and meet the needs of the people in their local village and surrounding communities. At GFA World, we have over 40 years of experience ministering through national missionaries, and we’re so thankful for the men and women who serve God so faithfully. Will you join us in supporting GFA World’s national missionaries and pastors?

Learn more about GFA’s ambassadors for Christ!

[1] “National Missionaries.” GFA World. Accessed October 18, 2024.