Child Labor Examples

What Are Some New Child Labor Solutions?

In the fight to end child labor, there are some new, cutting-edge child labor solutions. Here are just two such solutions:

Supply Chain Enforcements – A number of countries have campaigns that prohibit the importation of products that have used child labor somewhere in the supply chain.

Blockchain Enforcement – Blockchain is a promising advancement in the fight against child labor. Through this solution, all assets, locations and employees would be required to be “tagged” so they could be identified as a legitimate part of the supply chain. Children would not be able to work because they are too young to be registered in the block chain. “Blockchain proposes to be a secure and accurate digital ledger for recording assets, how and where they were obtained, and by whom.”1

These two solutions may seem difficult, but it is clear that many proposed solutions have been ineffective thus far in the fight against child labor.

GFA World has seen positive results from several of their programs, many of which serve to combat poverty and prevent child labor. When families are provided with the resources they need to feed their children and give them an education, they are less likely to succumb to child labor.

For example, GFA World’s Child Sponsorship Program effectively helps families relieve financial stress. Children receive helpful resources such as tutoring, access to clean water, education supplies, and more.

GFA World also provides skills training for adults, including literacy training and vocational training. A woman who learns to read becomes qualified for better paying jobs. A woman who learns to sew is qualified to become a tailor. A family who learns to raise livestock or grow vegetables can have food to eat and food to sell in the market. When families have a sustainable income, they are less likely to put their children in child labor situations.

These are just two ways GFA World is helping impoverished families as GFA missionaries serve as the hands and feet of Christ.

A GFA World special report says,

“It is a journey to provide and care for those who are relegated to the lowest positions in life. Relentlessly ministering to the needs of ‘the least of these’ is visible evidence of the love and grace of God in action.”2

Learn more about child labor examples

1 Gutheil, Lou. “Child Labor: Not Gone, but Forgotten” GFA World. 9 July 2019.
2 Gutheil, Lou. “Child Labor: Not Gone, but Forgotten” GFA World. 9 July 2019.