Child Sponsorship’s Growth Over Time: The Unstoppable March of an Idea
Child sponsorship growth, for a concept long in existence, has occurred via adoption by Christian ministries and NGOs alike, providing education, nourishment, and other benefits to poor children who may have never had these opportunities otherwise. Over the decades, this model has grown to reach millions of children today, with one recent estimate placing the number of sponsored children worldwide at 10 million.
The Increasing Scale of Child Sponsorship: Statistics and Stories
The growth of child sponsorship is evident in the increasing scale of organizations built on this model. For instance, Compassion International, one of the best-known organizations built on child sponsorship, joined the billion-dollar charity club about two years ago, demonstrating the increasing scale of child sponsorship.[1]
GFA World, an international non-profit organization, operates a child sponsorship initiative that has a transformative impact on the lives of children in Asia and Africa. For example, this program has helped many children in South Asia who reside in remote villages and struggle with poverty. These children, whose parents often earn insufficient income to meet basic needs, are given the opportunity to thrive through the sponsorship program. The program offers these children the necessary support and resources to excel in their education, including reinforcement of school lessons, provision of nutritious meals, hygiene education, and essential school supplies.[2]
Factors Contributing to the Growth and Reach of Child Sponsorship Programs
The growth and reach of child sponsorship programs can be attributed to several factors. One of the key factors is the commitment of faithful supporters. As Amanda Whitmire, Controller and Vice President of Finance at Compassion International, stated, their sustained growth is a testament to their faithful supporters who are committed to the work they are called to do in releasing children from poverty.[3]
Another factor is the effectiveness and efficiency of the workforce and dedicated church partners. These partners play a crucial role in implementing the programs and ensuring that the sponsored children receive the necessary support.
GFA World’s Growth and Reach in Child Sponsorship
GFA World’s child sponsorship program has made significant strides in reaching out to children in need. The program provides children with the necessary support for their education and fulfill their dreams of helping their parents and escape poverty.
Moreover, GFA World’s program has also had a positive impact on the lives of the sponsored children even after they have grown up. For example, Dhitha, a former GFA World sponsor child, after finishing high school and attending college, returned to become a teacher for other sponsored children. She was able to provide unique help as she was once in the exact situation many of these children are in right now.[4]
The growth and reach of child sponsorship programs over the years have demonstrated their effectiveness in lifting children out of poverty. However, there are still millions of children worldwide who need our help. By contributing to GFA World’s Child Sponsorship Program, you can make a significant difference in the lives of these children. Your support can provide them with the education, sustenance, and other benefits they need to escape a life of poverty and fulfill their dreams.
Learn more about child sponsorship evolution[1] Rabey, Steve. “Compassion International crosses $1 billion milestone.” Colorado Springs Gazette. November 1, 2020. https://gazette.com/life/compassion-international-crosses-1-billion-milestone/article_4131990a-187b-11eb-9f03-5ff71a170a62.html.
[2] “Keeping His Future Intact.” GFA World, October 11, 2021. https://www.gfa.org/news/articles/keeping-his-future-intact-wfr21-10/.
[3] Rabey, Steve. “Compassion International crosses $1 billion milestone.” Colorado Springs Gazette. November 1, 2020. https://gazette.com/life/compassion-international-crosses-1-billion-milestone/article_4131990a-187b-11eb-9f03-5ff71a170a62.html.
[4] Ken Walker of InChrist Communications. “Child Sponsorship.” GFA World, November 18, 2022. https://www.gfa.org/special-report/does-sponsoring-child-really-work/.