Global Poverty

What Are Some Solutions to World Poverty?

World poverty is a pervasive issue that can be solved. Governments, nonprofit organizations, and businesses can offer solutions that will continue the positive downward trends many countries have accomplished.

Though every country, region, and people group needs varying solutions and approaches, there are several agreed-upon tactics for many areas:

Income opportunities – Whether it’s livestock for farming or a sewing machine for a personal business, many people in poverty long for ongoing, reliable income opportunities. It’s vital that new income streams be created for those living at the lowest levels of income.

Education and literacy rate improvement – Those deprived of an education, especially literacy, are at the mercy of jobs that require manual labor only. They are most often disqualified from higher-paying jobs because they cannot read or write. Helping people of all ages gain even the most basic of skills and literacy knowledge is essential to lifting people out of poverty.

Access to clean water – You might not think that clean water is related to poverty, but this one issue can derail a family’s security quickly. Water-borne illnesses keep adults out of work and children out of school. Even worse, if illness claims the life of the husband/father, the result is a defenseless widow and orphaned children. Clean water can be the difference between being able to put food on the table and a family being ripped apart.

GFA World can address each of these solutions through its on-the-ground missionaries. Trained to love well in word and deed, GFA missionaries get to know the families in their area and what their deepest needs are. Gifts to GFA through donors like you help make it possible to alleviate the stress and uncertainty so many face who live in poverty.

  • You can purchase a pair of goats through the GFA Gift Catalog for a family to have the start of a herd.
  • You can support the Women’s Literacy program to change the course of a woman’s life and that of her children.
  • And you can give clean water through a BioSand Filter, a simple and affordable way for a family in a rural setting to have clean, drinkable water for themselves and even their neighbors.

These solutions and more are just a gift away from changing lives. GFA missionaries pray about and look for ways to bring these gifts to the most vulnerable along with the love of Jesus Christ. This powerful combination of practical help and Christian love makes a difference now and into eternity.

Learn more about Global Poverty