Who Is Giving Children Hope?
GFA World is among the organizations that work hard to serve communities in need, giving children hope in Africa and Asia, some of the most impoverished places in the world. The prevalence of child labor in those continents—72.1 million children in Africa and 62.1 million in Asia and the Pacific—displays the great need for immediate poverty-relieving actions.[1] GFA is taking steps to alleviate the damaging cycle of poverty and offer hope to children, their families and their communities, all in the name of Jesus.
GFA pastors and missionaries host VBS programs, Sunday schools and youth ministries in their churches, offering hope and showing love to those who need it most. GFA also has a child sponsorship program, including the recent addition of a program in Kigali, Rwanda, the capital of one of the most-densely populated countries in Africa.[2] This program provides children with essentials such as food, healthcare and school supplies. It also helps children gain an education and the foundation they need to succeed in life, to have hope for a better future.
Ridhushni’s father barely made enough money to make ends meet, and when he contracted tuberculosis, the funds completely dried up. Ridhushni’s mother wanted all her children to attend school, but four-year-old Ridhushni and her younger brother would probably never get the chance. She worked hard all day cleaning houses to feed the family, but her earnings could not cover the cost of tuition, healthcare and food. Instead, the children spent their days playing in the streets.
One day, GFA program staff learned about Ridhushni’s situation. They told Ridhushni’s mom all about the child sponsorship program, which would provide nutritious food, medical checkups and education support. She jumped at the opportunity.
Initially, Ridhushni had little interest in attending school since it meant she could no longer play all day with her friends, but she learned to like painting, drawing, games and the other activities as much as she had liked running around with her friends before. The financial and academic support from GFA allowed her to excel, and she reached the top of her class.
Now, she has a future with many opportunities. Ridhushni said, “It is truly an opening door for me to achieve anything in my life.”[3]
Consider joining this effort to give children hope by supporting GFA or sponsoring a child. It takes just $35 a month to help provide a brighter future for these children. GFA World has been successfully offering hope for children in Asia for many years, and now we’re doing the same for children in Africa. Pray for this continuing effort to help impoverished children and bring them hope.
Learn more about providing hope for children[1] Maki, Reid. “10 Basic Facts about Child Labor Globally.” The Child Labor Coalition. https://stopchildlabor.org/the-basic-facts-about-child-labor-globally-from-the-ilo. July 16, 2018.
[2] “GFA World Expands Ministry to Africa.” GFA World. https://www.gfa.org/africa. Accessed November 7, 2022.
[3] “What She May Never Have Had.” GFA World. https://www.gfa.org/news/articles/what-she-may-never-have-had. March 2020.