What Was the Good News that Jesus Preached

What Was the Good News that Jesus Preached? A Hopeful Message for Our Bodies and Souls

What was the good news that Jesus preached? The Good News is that God so loved humanity that He sent His one and only Son into the world not “to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:28, NKJV). Jesus served humanity by meeting their physical and spiritual needs. At GFA World, we follow in Jesus’ footsteps by serving impoverished African and Asian families, meeting their physical and spiritual needs. In doing so, we impact lives for eternity.

Eternal life is central to the Good News Jesus preached, but it’s more than that. The Good News is also about God’s immense love and grace for humanity. As John 3:16 (NKJV) says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” God’s will is for everyone to believe in the Good News that Jesus preached. Today, God’s love is available to anyone who will receive it. He is ready to meet our physical and spiritual needs.

At GFA World, we put the Good News into action through the work of national missionaries like GFA missionary Pastor Rahn. Pastor Rahn delivers the Good News to people in his community.[1] Instead of embracing the loving message of the pastor, many of these villagers reject it. Despite this opposition, Pastor Rahn continues to share the news of God’s unfailing love with care, compassion and grace. He knows this message can change lives, but he does not force anyone to believe it.

One day, Pastor Rahn gathered pamphlets about the Good News to distribute across the village. He knew many people would reject the message, but he hoped someone might accept it. He met Siro, a father of three, and handed him a Bible. Siro hesitated, saying, “We are illiterate people.” So Pastor Rahn encouraged Siro to let his daughter read it.

“This is not a simple book, but it is the Word of God, and it can change your life as well as all the difficulties that you are facing,” Pastor Rahn said.

That same night, Siro suffered an attack from an evil spirit. This had become a regular occurrence for him. As Siro’s wife cried helplessly, their daughter, Pabla, remembered the Bible that Pastor Rahn had given to Siro. Pabla opened the Bible and began reading it aloud. Siro yelled for her to stop, but Pabla continued reading. The spirit left Siro, and he felt instant relief and peace.

What was the good news that Jesus preached? It is a message of freedom and healing. Siro and his family discovered God’s peace. They also experienced physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Siro sought Pastor Rahn and shared the miracle that had happened:

“Last night, we slept peacefully after a long time because of this Word of God,” Siro said.

Once bound by fear and tradition, Siro and his family began attending church and growing in their relationship with Jesus. They learned more and more about the Good News that Jesus preached.

GFA missionaries are committed to sharing the Good News of Jesus in ways that meet the physical and spiritual needs of impoverished families. We provide tangible solutions to poverty and illness, such as clean water, medical care, income-generating gifts and literacy programs. We also share Jesus’ life-changing message. What is the good news of the kingdom? God has provided the way for people to experience forgiveness of sin and relationship with Him.

Siro’s story reminds us that the Good News that Jesus preached touches every part of our lives. God cares about both our physical and spiritual well-being. Jesus forgave sins, and he brought deliverance, healing and restoration. He introduced a kingdom where love overcomes fear and freedom overcomes oppression.

For Siro, who suffered spiritual attacks, the Good News brought physical and spiritual freedom. For others, the Good News may be that God loves them despite their unfortunate circumstances. This is why we say, “Good news! God loves you.” He loves you, and He wants to fix whatever is broken.

What is the good news that Jesus preached? It is a message of transformation and new life. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NKJV) There is freedom for the oppressed, healing for the sick, and hope for the lost. This message can change lives today, tomorrow, and for eternity.

At GFA World, God has entrusted us with the honor of sharing the Good News of Jesus with people who need it most. For a small monthly donation, you can sponsor a national pastor or missionary like Pastor Rahn—a man or woman who is faithfully living out the Good News of Jesus. Will you join us in fulfilling God’s amazing mission?

Learn more about how GFA World is breaking the spirit of poverty and providing hope!

[1] “A Daughter Reads Healing Words.” GFA World. November 2024. https://www.gfa.org/news/articles/a-daughter-reads-healing-words.