What Is the Purpose of a Clean Water Project?
The World Health Organization estimates that over 663 million people do not have clean and accessible water.1 Every person without access to safe drinking water is at risk for infection, illness and even death. A clean water project develops resources to provide clean, accessible water to communities. Water projects might include filtration or sanitation systems, water wells, hand-washing education and much more.
Clean water is a life-changing resource that protects communities from disease, dehydration and malnutrition. There are many benefits.
- Health — Clean water protects children from disease and dehydration and promotes bodily functions. Clean water also reduces mortality rates due to dehydration from diseases and illnesses that cause diarrhea.
- Education — Clean water promotes children’s good health; this allows them to go to school regularly. Education builds practical and relational skills that help children become knowledgeable and helpful contributors to society. Children who regularly attend a school or who complete their education have better jobs and opportunities as adults.
- Food — Clean water is a vital resource for food production and agriculture and for preparing food. Farmers and large farm industries use water to irrigate crops; families need clean water to wash fruits and vegetables and to cook other foods.
GFA World understands that clean water is a vital resource, so they have developed clean water means for communities in Asia and Africa.
- Jesus Wells — Jesus Wells can be a life-saving resource for many families to protect them from becoming dehydrated, having a lack of sanitation and even dying from disease. Jesus Wells on average last about 20 years, and can provide water for around 300 people a day.
- BioSand Filters — For only $30, GFA World can manufacture and distribute one of these effective filters to a water-compromised family in Asia or Africa and provide them with clean, safe water for years to come.
GFA World’s Jesus Wells and BioSand filters provide practical help to people worldwide. However, these resources also open the door for people to know the good news of God. Local GFA pastors, missionaries and church staff distribute and maintain Jesus Wells and BioSand filters. When people receive a filter or collect water from a GFA well, they interact with people who understand their situation. They can also hear that God cares about their physical and spiritual needs; that He cares about them personally.
Please consider joining GFA’s efforts to provide clean water to communities worldwide!
Learn more about access to clean water1 “Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH).” World Health Organization. Accessed 12 March 2022. https://www.who.int/health-topics/water-sanitation-and-hygiene-wash.