How Can a Clean Water Initiative Transform a Community in Asia or Africa?
Organizations like GFA World have developed a clean water initiative to help provide clean drinking water and promote proper hygiene and hand-washing techniques. Clean water is a life-saving resource.
Approximately 134 million people do not have access to safe drinking water in South Asia; 68-84% of water sources in this region contain pollutants.1 Water can contain physical toxins like soil, sediment or human feces; chemicals like bleach, pesticides or drugs; or microscopic viruses and bacteria. Millions of people in Asia and Africa must use whatever water is available; they do not have the luxury to choose their water source.
Clean water was only a dream for Ragnar, his wife and their four children; the only water source available to them was over a half a mile away from their home.2 In Ragnar’s rural village in Asia, every day required hard work just to collect enough water.
There was conflict as well. The old well invoked anger among adults and they would fight daily to collect water. However, the well contained pollutants that caused illness among the villagers. Ragnar’s children regularly missed school because of vomiting, headaches and more.
GFA World pastor Dabid learned about the villagers’ desperate need for clean water, and he helped get a Jesus Well installed by the local church. Now, Ragnar, his family and his community have safe drinking water nearby.
GFA World has provided communities with wells that offer clean, accessible water for decades. Jesus Wells last for around 20 years and provide safe water for around 300 people a day.3 GFA World drills Jesus Wells near churches so local pastors and church staff can monitor and maintain the wells appropriately.
Having wells accessible to people in communities in Asia and Africa means that fetching water is no longer a day-long activity. Most importantly, Jesus Wells can be a life-saving resource for dozens of families to protect them from dehydration, lack of sanitation and even severe disease. Clean water also has the following benefits:
- Increased health — Clean and accessible well water protects entire communities from waterborne diseases, chemicals and more that cause adverse sickness and disease.
- Increased opportunities — Clean water does not expose children to diseases. Healthy children can regularly attend school. Education empowers children, teaching them valuable math, reading, writing and relational skills. Drinking clean water also protects adults’ health and allows them to work and provide for their families.
Give the gift of clean water today!
Learn more about access to clean water1 “Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH).” World Health Organization South Asia. Accessed 12 March 2022. https://www.unicef.org/rosa/water-sanitation-and-hygiene-wash.
2 “A Family’s Fight Against Contaminated Water.” GFA World. February 2021. https://www.gfa.org/news/articles/a-familys-fight-against-contaminated-water-wfr21-03/.
3 “Jesus Wells: Giving Clean Water to an Entire Community.” GFA World. Accessed 12 March 2022. https://www.gfa.org/jesus-wells/.