Underprivileged Kids in South Asia Charity – Help for Kids in South Asia
One South Asian country is home to over a sixth of the world’s population and has seen significant economic achievements in the last two decades, yet challenges still remain as economic successes in this country “have not resulted in improved quality of life for everyone everywhere, especially women and children,” says UNICEF.[1] For underprivileged kids in South Asia, charity is essential.
There is help available for these underprivileged kids in South Asia: charity, specifically GFA World, which has seen phenomenal success in training national missionaries to help children in South Asia as they share the love of Christ. GFA’s methods have proven effective in South Asia time and time again. Charities like GFA are committed to helping the people of South Asia, such as underprivileged kids, and also in some parts of Africa.
Cadee is one girl in need that GFA World has helped.[2] Cadee had a kidney condition, and she needed clean water to drink. Living in a remote village, however, Cadee’s family had no access to the one thing she needed. Her family drank dirty water from an unprotected water source, and they suffered significant health conditions as a result. As a poor daily wage laborer, Cadee’s mom couldn’t afford to buy a water filter or bottled water, so Cadee continued to suffer.
One day, GFA pastor Silvan visited their village and happened to meet Cadee’s mother. He offered to pray for Cadee after he listened compassionately to her mother’s anguish. The pastor visited their home and told them about Jesus’ love for them and about the hope that Jesus brings. But he also sought to help the family in a tangible way. Soon, Pastor Silvan arranged for a clean water well to be installed nearby.
“I am truly thankful to Pastor Silvan for helping me to get a hand pump near my house and get pure water,” Cadee’s mother said. “Now I and my family are leading a healthy life. As a family, we want to thank the Lord Jesus Christ for His blessings in our lives.”
Clean water is just one of the ways GFA World helps people in South Asia and parts of Africa. Another way is through child sponsorship, which provides an avenue to help underprivileged kids in Asia and Africa. Such charity gives GFA a tangible way to help people in need.
Through child sponsorship, you can be partnered with a child in need and help provide solutions such as basic health care, food, clean water and educational and community service opportunities. GFA’s field staff works with community leaders to discover the most pressing needs in your sponsored child’s community. Then they work to meet those needs—which may also include sanitation facilities, training, income generating gifts and more—all in the name of Christ.
Your sponsorship helps your sponsored child and their family break the cycle of poverty. Your child will feel loved, valued and hopeful.
There are many kids in South Asia. For example, one country in South Asia has the largest adolescent population in the world, with 253 million children between 10 and 19 years old![3] In that same country, the child population (age 0-18) is 444 million, with 21 percent of the country’s population living in extreme poverty, so the need is great.[4]
For underprivileged kids in South Asia, charity can provide many things that can drastically alter kids’ trajectory and help them break out of cycles of poverty.
The support GFA World provides kids in need varies by the needs in the individual communities and breaks down into the following areas:[5]
- Education – Families often need financial help to cover tuition, books and other school supplies. Education helps break the cycle of poverty as a child learns valuable skills in literacy and numeracy. In one South Asian country, 6.1 million children, ages 6-13, do not attend school.[6]
- Nutrition – When a child is provided with nutritious food, it relieves financial pressure from a family. One less mouth to feed each day can make a tremendous difference.
- Medical Care – Through GFA World’s Child Sponsorship Program and medical camps, children receive periodic medical check-ups, and treatment when needed. They also learn the importance of good hygiene to help protect themselves from sickness.
- Development of Social Skills and Self-Confidence – Through GFA World’s Child Sponsorship Program, children learn social skills and gain self-confidence. They learn how to interact well with others and practice common courtesy.
Will you join us in sponsoring a child today? There are many countries where GFA is helping kids, including Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Rwanda, Africa, but many children in GFA’s child sponsorship program do not currently have a sponsor. Join with us in providing hope to an underprivileged child in South Asia. Your partnership will help make it possible for a child to dream, hope and see beyond their current circumstances.
Learn more about how to sponsor a girl education[1] “Children in India.” UNICEF. https://www.unicef.org/india/children-in-india. Accessed October 12, 2022.
[2] “Well Halts Family’s Troublesome Stream.” https://www.gfa.org/news/articles/well-halts-familys-troublesome-stream-wfr22-03/. March 2022.
[3] “Children in India.” UNICEF. https://www.unicef.org/india/children-in-india. Accessed October 12, 2022.
[4] “India.” UNICEF. https://www.unicef.org/rosa/media/10566/file/India.pdf. Accessed October 12, 2022.
[5] “There is a Bridge.” GFA World. https://www.gfa.org/videos/bridge. Accessed October 12, 2022.
[6] “India.” UNICEF. https://www.unicef.org/rosa/media/10566/file/India.pdf. Accessed October 12, 2022.