Women Missionaries

Why Is a Missionary Charity Important in Fighting Extreme Poverty?

A missionary charity like GFA World can be instrumental in fighting extreme poverty. While the basic definition of extreme poverty, according to The World Bank, is earning less than $1.90 a day,[1] that is only the economic definition. Missionary charities realize that this is only a portion of the equation. Many of these organizations also help people overcome spiritual poverty, educational poverty, generational poverty and other things.

Globally, around 736 million people live in extreme poverty.[2] They often lack sufficient housing, hygiene, health care and education. We’re happy to see that fewer and fewer people are suffering in extreme poverty, but 1 in 10 people remain below the extreme poverty indicator of $1.90 per day. These “chronically poor” are mainly found in South Asia where GFA World is active.[3]

GFA World uses many proven strategies to help fight extreme poverty in parts of Asia and Africa. Here are a few:

  • Animals – A gift of an animal can make a life-changing impact to a family. For example, chickens can provide eggs for food or to be sold. A cow can provide milk for drinking or sale and its dung can be used for fuel or fertilizer. GFA World provides a way for you to purchase an animal for a family in need.
  • Income-Generating Work Supplies and Training – Needs are met when adults are taught income-generating skills. This may include literacy classes, tailoring instruction, farming classes, etc. When a family is gifted a sewing machine or a pull cart for hauling their vegetables, incomes change.
  • Community Development – Entire communities can be impacted by a neighborhood water well, donating clean water access to every household, no matter their ethnicity, social class, language or religion. These wells are hosted by the local pastor, which gives him opportunities to minister to those who visit for water. Community toilets are also a great means of community development in areas of extreme poverty.

These are just three simple ways GFA World helps those in extreme poverty. When we gift these items to those who need them most, people see that the one true God loves and cares for them, and that often opens the door for a missionary to share about hope in Christ.

GFA World also provides care ministries for widows, orphans and lepers. Learn more about these women missionaries and the incredible impact they are having for God.

Learn more about women missionaries

[1]Poverty and Shared Prosperity 2018: Piecing Together the Poverty Puzzle.” The World Bank. www.worldbank.org/en/publication/poverty-and-shared-prosperity. 2018.
[2] Ibid.
[3]The Chronic Poverty Report 2004-05.” Chronic Poverty Research Centre. www.chronicpoverty.org/uploads/publication_files/CPR1_ReportFull.pdf. 2019.