Clean Water FAQ

Clean Water FAQs

Increasing demand on fresh water rivers, lakes and streams, compounded by changing global weather patterns, surging population growth and economic development around the globe, is leaving us in a world where many people are struggling to find enough fresh water to survive. 

Clean, safe drinking water is a resource that is becoming more precious than gold, according to various headlines from around the world.

A four-person CNN team recent report noted areas around the globe where that’s happening, like in Iran, where a vast network of dams sustains an agricultural sector that drinks up about 90% of the water the country uses. 

Charles Iceland told CNN:

“Both declining rainfall and increasing demand in these countries are causing many rivers, lakes, and wetlands to dry up.”

“The consequences of water becoming scarcer are dire: Areas could become uninhabitable; tensions over how to share and manage water resources like rivers and lakes could worsen; more political violence could erupt.”

The situation threatens wealthier countries, too. The New York Times reported larger future cuts in water consumption are likely for 40 million people in the West who rely on rivers. 

For the first time ever, last August, the U.S. federal government declared a water shortage at Nevada’s Lake Mead, a main reservoir for the Colorado River. Initially, that will mostly affect farmers in Arizona. In addition to seven U.S. states, two in Mexico draw water from the Colorado. Besides providing drinking water, it irrigates desert crops and generates hydroelectric power. Scientists say the only way to alleviate the problem is to reduce demand.

Jennifer Pitt, director of the Colorado River program at the National Audubon Society said:

“As this inexorable-seeming decline in the supply continues, the shortages that we’re beginning to see implemented are only going to increase. Once we’re on that train, it’s not clear where it stops.”

Here are other FAQs about the clean water crisis facing the world:

Clean Water Charity

Up to 60% of an adult human body is made up of water, and human lungs by themselves are 83% water. A human can go several days without food before essential bodily functions start to shut down. Water, on the other hand, is needed daily. Yet, close to 2 billion people do not have adequate access to water for their basic biological needs.

Water Stress

Water is an essential, life-giving resource; however, millions of people do not have accessible, clean drinking water. Moreover, most countries worldwide overuse their available water sources, creating stress on their local and global water supply.

Global Water Crisis

The global water crisis refers to the extensive lack of clean and accessible water worldwide. Water is essential to human bodily functions and everyday tasks. People use water to grow crops, cook food and clean. If water is not easily accessible, is only available in limited portions, or is highly contaminated, communities are negatively affected.

Water Solutions

A growing global water crisis touches nearly every country, no matter its socioeconomic status or population density. With more than 4 billion people currently without a reliable source of water at least one month of the year, now is the time to seek out and support waters solutions that prevent a full global disaster in the decades to come.

Access to Clean Water

According to the WHO, 663 million people worldwide do not have access to clean water. Contaminated water is a global crisis. Rural towns, villages and communities experiencing poverty frequently do not have safe and accessible water. Clean water is essential.

Well Drilling

Water wells can be a life-saving solution that provides safe water for entire communities. Well drilling is an efficient and cost-effective practice. What is water well drilling? Well drilling is the process of drilling a hole in the ground to create access to groundwater for communal use; it frequently requires equipment like backhoes and drill rigs.

Water Projects in Africa

Water projects in Africa can offer life-saving interventions for individuals, families and entire communities. Water is a crucial and rare resource throughout this continent due to limited water sources, extreme heat and drought, limited water infrastructure and contaminated water sources.

Water Scarcity

Sometimes it’s hard to believe that water scarcity is a problem on this planet since 70% of it is covered with oceans, rivers, lakes and the like. But only 3% of that water is fresh—and only a third of that is accessible (not frozen or otherwise obtainable). Nearly half of the people in the world already live in water-scarce areas where they struggle to access water at least one month a year.

Water Stress

When the demand for water exceeds its availability, water stress ensues. This can result from contaminated water, drought, poor infrastructure or other conditions that don’t allow people to get enough water to meet their basic needs. Water stress prevents people from having enough clean water to keep them healthy.

Clean Water Charity

When you want to donate to a clean water charity, it’s important to research the nonprofit so you can be confident that your money is contributing to effectively solving problems people face throughout the world. Clean water organizations vary in terms of their philosophy, geographical reach and methods of support.

Clean Water

We’ve all done it. We turn on the tap and let the cool, clean water flow for a few seconds, waiting for the temperature to change or to grab the container we are using. For just those few moments, we often waste one of our planet’s most precious resources: clean water.

What is Water Scarcity?

In May of 2022, the state of California’s Water Board issued an emergency water conservation regulation “that bans using potable (drinkable) water on decorative or non-functional grass at commercial, industrial, and institutional properties…”

Africa Water Crisis

It is predicted that the Africa water crisis will become a catastrophe in just a few years. In Africa, more than 25% of the population spends more than 30 minutes (sometimes up to six hours) walking miles to get enough water for the day. Africa is called the “dry continent” because of the difficulty of accessing water.

Building Wells in Africa

Africa is facing severe water scarcity, so building wells in Africa is becoming increasingly important. Water scarcity is an alarming reality where the demand for water surpasses available supply, driving water sources to unsustainable limits.

Clean Water Access Crisis

Access to clean water is a fundamental human right that should not be taken for granted. Yet, millions around the world continue to grapple with the dire consequences of water scarcity and contamination. The global clean water access crisis is a stark reality that demands our attention and concerted action.

Water Scarcity in South Asia

Amidst the backdrop of water scarcity in South Asia’s expansive landscapes, stories of overcoming adversity provide a glimmer of hope amidst the challenges. One story that shines as a beacon of inspiration is the transformation of Israel—an arid nation that turned its water scarcity into abundance through innovation.

South Asia Sanitation

Sanitation issues are a pressing concern in various regions across the globe, and South Asia is no exception. Let us explore the specific challenges amidst the South Asia sanitation crisis. The dire consequences of inadequate sanitation practices not only impact health but also education and community well-being.

Global Sanitation Progress

In the relentless battle against open defecation (OD), the global community has made remarkable strides in improving sanitation access. These advancements underscore the significance of collaborative efforts to combat the dire consequences of inadequate sanitation.

Wells in Africa

Turning on the tap is easy for many who live in the West. We’re thirsty or we need to cook―out comes clean water. And very few of us need to be worried about the quality of what comes out of the faucet. We know it will not make us sick. In Africa, clean water is not a given. This is why it’s incredibly important to provide more clean water solutions, like installing wells in Africa, for the safety and health of everyone.

World Water Crisis Facts

World water crisis facts paint a sobering picture of the global water shortage, revealing a desperate situation that affects billions of lives. The scale of the crisis is staggering. According to United Nations Environment Management Group, two billion people live in water-stressed regions, struggling each day to obtain this essential resource.

How Can We Help the Water Crisis

The global water crisis calls for innovative approaches, and community-driven solutions stand at the forefront of sustainable change. While exploring how can we help the water crisis, it becomes clear that empowering local communities to take ownership of their water resources holds the key to lasting impact.